Fertility Treatments

Infertility poses profound challenges for individuals and couples aspiring to build a family. Male Infertility is the inability of a male to make a fertile female pregnant, for a minimum of at least one year of unprotected intercourse. Whilst there are so many causes of male infertility, a lot of the causes can be treated. Therefore there is no need for panic.

360 Degree Royal Care Pharmacy

About Fertility Treatment Options


360 Degree Pharmacy is registered with the Pharmaceutical Council of Nigeria, Association of Community Pharmacy of Nigeria and the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria.

What is Fertility

Male Infertility is the inability of a male to make a fertile female pregnant or conceive after a year of regular unprotected intercourse. Several factors can affect the ability of a male to make mature, healthy sperm that can be safely delivered into the female partners to fertilise an egg. The good news is most of the main causes of male infertility are treatable and where they are not, assisted reproductive techniques (ART) exist to help with conception.

What Causes Fertility

Making mature healthy sperms that can be safely delivered into the female partner and successfully travel to meet the egg depends on many things. Some issues may stop the sperm cells from growing, some may make it difficult for the sperm to be delivered, whilst others may keep the sperm from reaching the egg. Any of these issues may lead to male infertility. However the main causes are: Sperm disorders (Immature sperm, Odd shaped sperm, Low sperm count etc); Hormones, Medications, Obstruction etc.

How Does Fertility Treatment Work

Treatment for male infertility is highly individualised, tailored to address the specific causes identified through a comprehensive assessment by the doctors. Diagnosis of male infertility can be hard. However problems are most often associated with sperm production or delivery. You may consult our doctors for further guidance on diagnosis just with a click or access our treatment options for the most common causes associated with sperm production and delivery.

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